So what has the HausWitch been up to you ask? Well, a coupla’ things. Actually, three!

1. Winthrop Waterloo: Suzanne’s Office

After successfully navigating the strange and terrifying world where futuristic-space-geometry meets country-floral-chic in Alan and Suzanne’s bedroom a few months ago, I have been  invited back to work on Suzanne’s office. This time around Suzanne has free reign (obvi, since its her office) which should make things a little easier. She painted the room a lovely saturated teal, with a butter yellow accent wall that matches her couch. Originally the bookcases were all black, but given Suzanne’s desire to give the room a coastal cottage-y vibe, I suggested removing the wall o’ darkness… somehow… But how?

Well, as it turns out Alan refinished and painted them all white himself. MAJOR MAJOR props to Alan here. This was not a small project by any means and they look FANTASTIC.

The budget for this project is in the $600-$700 range, and the higher budget means a longer shopping list.  Here’s what I want to buy/make/conjure:

A large rug, a new desk and desk chair, artwork, side table, ottoman, floor lamp, desk lamp, 20+ magazine files and possibly curtains. Stay tuned.



2. JP NOOKS: Kitchen

Next up on the $100 a room world tour is the kitchen. Jackie came up with the idea of framing some of her Instagram food photos for the artwork in here and I loved the idea! They also want some bright red in the kitchen so that’s what they’re gonna get it. That, and god willing, a pendant light.


3. Raspberry Towers: Guest/Family Room

And finally, Raspberry Towers. On my second visit to Sailaja and Neel’s home we put on our game faces, got our hands dirty and de-cluttered. I should say, Sailaja and Neel de-cluttered  while I “directed” from a nearby lounge chair eating a chocolate chip cannoli. Sometimes its good to be the witch.

Separating clutter into “donate”, “garbage/recycle”, and “memories” piles is my fool proof method for getting through those crazy drawers full of German magic markers and piles of “maybe, someday” stuff or “yeah, but remember when we did that thing that time?” mementos. No judgement folks- we ALL have them. Its simple: donate what you don’t use but still works, designate a special (put-away) place for mementos, and throw the rest out. Just do it.

We finished off the day with some furniture re-arranging and project planning. inprogress


Happy March 1st! NEW HOROSCOPE DAY! Spring is coming and the moon is in Scorpio!