

So ladders are really having a moment in decorating right now. Whether its a rolling ladder attached to gorgeous floor-to-ceiling built in bookshelves (that I would stab someone for), or just some West Elm version of a “rustic” ladder leaning against a wall, the votes are in: WE LOVE LADDERS.

Specifically, I like these two ideas.

1. This is an IKEA hack courtesy of Apartment Therapy. The “ladder” is actually just a side piece to some storage system they make. Depending on which “height” and how many “rungs” you want it costs between $8-$20. Throw some paint on it and you have a great place to throw your neatly styled scarves and cool belt-y looking things. I’m totally gonna do this one. I’ll keep you posted.

2. Now this is a ladder-hack (a thing now?) from the blog A Beautiful Mess. Its cute right? Dave pointed out that we could never do this one unless we wanted it to end up a cat-gymnasium. But, now that I think about it,  maybe that’s exactly what I want…


3. Whoa. How amazing is this pendant lamp DIY? I mean- what? It’s just “hollow metallic tube”?! I can do that!

The only bummer is that the super cool cement base shown in this picture will set you back  87 bones and I’m not sure it works with American light bulbs. Wahh wahh.


4. Oh Sweet Paul magazine. I tried not to love you, but I do. When I saw you at places like Anthropologie amongst all the other quaint and superfluous things I can’t afford, you came off as pretentious and bougie. Your $18 price tag told me you were out of my league and made me feel insecure. Luckily, we finally met face to face through a mutual friend (Olive Box) and now I’m obsessed with you. I already liked you on Facebook. Is that weird? I’m not desperate, I just like you a lot, I swear.

Seriously though, I dog-eared every other page in this bad boy. From the Wild Rice and Blackberry Chevre Salad recipe to the 6 different AWESOME craft projects using rope, to the gorgeous photography and styling, Sweet Paul nails it. There aren’t even that many ads, and the ones that are there are so classy and understated that you don’t even notice them.


5. Pretty self explanatory. Story of my life. codyfornow.com

The moon is in Cancer. Happy Spring!