So I’m gearing up for a bunch of projects right now. I’m working on the JP Nooks bedroom, the Raspberry Towers “mad scientist” nursery, my porch, and a wolf den (seriously, kinda!) But I don’t have much to report yet. So in the meantime I thought I’d do a Witchlist post and talk about some stuff I’m into right now.


Okay, I’ll admit that even as I’m typing this I can’t really think of a use for these little Instagram Mini-stickers. But I meeeeeean, they’re really cute. Who doesn’t like a sticker of an Instagram?! Plus, I still have a scientific calculator that I got in the eighth grade because of the awesome stickers on the cover. It hasn’t worked in YEARS. So there. Also you get like a million (252) for $10.


Otherwild Goods and Services  is a “hybrid retail store and graphic design studio “in Los Angeles. They also have an online shop THANK GOD. This place is genius and I want everything. Since I probly can’t actually have everything, here are some of my favorite things:

1. These posters by Eve Fowler. This one is a quote from Gertrude Stein. If the price tag is too high maybe this can inspire a DIY project? Just sayin’.

2. Darlene Tote Bag. Need I say more?

3. Woodward Gardens Sage and Mugwort Bundles. Perfect for smudging a new apartment/haus!

4. Ceramics by Jen Kuroki. I’m having a hard time picking my favorite one but I’m pretty sure it’s the Ceramic Unglazed Circle Canister… or the Ceramic White Drip Glaze Cup… or the Ceramic Vase/Cup Glossy White Glaze Dots with Unglazed Surface. Forget it, they’re all gorge and I love them.

5.  Queer Lit Pillows by Stephanie Berks. When I tell people that I have an MA in Gender and Cultural Studies, it usually elicits a response like, “hmmmm, what does that even mean?” or “awwww, well bless your little heart!” So when I see a pillow with Judith Butler on it, I pretty much have to post about it. GCS people: amIright?

6. Boundaries In A Bottle. Okay so I actually bought this one and it pretty much changed my life.  First of all, it’s made by a witch named Dori Midnight, so it’s got that going for it already. Then, a fan described it on the website as “psychic barbed wire ” which is pretty awesome and totally accurate. I won’t pretend to know exactly how it works but I spray it on every day like perfume and not only does it smell delicious and herbal-y but I can honestly say that I notice a difference. I’m dead serious. Buy some if you feel like you or your space need some protection from meanies. crazies or creeps.


So I’ve spent the better part of two weeks planning out my porch makeover (stay tuned), browsing and pricing plants, planters,  birdhouses, and all sorts of porch-related things. I can now say, with certainty that love is a battlefield and most inexpensive outdoor furnishings are ugly as sin. Refreshingly, these Vaso Planters from CB2 have a little bit of moxie to them. $10 for the small guys and $22 for the big’in. I saw stuff at KMart that cost more than that and it was the color and shape of sadness.

So there was a new moon AND a partial solar eclipse and now the moon is in Cancer. Go forth and smudge. “Speak a secret word” on Wednesday.