I have always wanted a craft space. One of those cute little workspaces you see on blogs with the perfect little shelves and hooks and cubbies and drawers for all of the tools and supplies your projects require.

With the launch of HausCraft, my “workspace” or dining room as I like to call it, has become HausWitch Headquarters full time. In the past its served as a storage space for my client’s furniture until it was time for their installations, but that was temporary and not all the time so it wasn’t a HUGE deal. Unlike, say HausCraft.


In the months leading up to the Bust Craftacular my dining room was like a village of cardboard boxes in all sizes ranging from the tiny Hausboxes to the rather large boxes that the tiny Hausboxes come in. The 1,000,000 little parts and pieces that make HausCraft magical needed a home because “I think the incense is in the box under the small box next to the plant under the bench” was not an effective way to work. So as soon as we could, we decided “who needs a coat closet?” and made the dining room closet HausCraft-landia! Ta Da!

closetwidewideI finally have a craft space. It’s pretty great and it smells AMAZING. Recently a friend commented, “Your dining room smells like a fortune teller’s tent” and I took that as an enormous compliment.

workspacegrid2So it’s not the world’s most beautiful sunlit apothecary or anything but it does hold all of our oils and essences, gemstones, crystals, packing material, you name it. Plus, it was basically free. Dave actually saved the shelving unit from the trash (which is crazy because it’s in perfect condition and worth like, $200!)

We added a folding table for when we’re putting together orders and it’s also not pretty but gets the job done.


So that’s where the magic happens. The magic before the magic still happens in my studio which is the best place for idea-having ever. I still blog from there too.


So I managed to make it all work pretty well. I mean, the folding table is an eyesore but I can fold it up and put it away when I need to. The closet is pretty wonderful and opening those doors is like instant happiness.

For right now, that’s how I work from home. I go to my day job and then I spend most nights breathing in the fortune-teller-y aroma of my HausCraft closet, or I light my Fortune Teller candle in the studio and write awesome blog posts like this one. But, if the business keeps expanding, I may have to branch out.

I came across these “coworking” spaces by this company called WeWork. They look beautiful, and for like, $45 a month you can have a workspace, access to conference rooms and get discounts on healthcare and stuff like that. It seems like a cool idea so I’m interested to see if this becomes a new THING that people do. I mean, I’m sure if I were pitching HausCraft to some major distributor or something, it would be nice to have a professional place to do that. Especially since 99% of the time my “professional workspace” looks like this:


A new decorating post is in the mix, I promise. The project is wrapping up in a about a week and a half. You can check out the Pinterest board here.

The moon is in Virgo and the witches say, “Look for the Moon’s Ring” .