I know its been a while (again) but obvs I’m pretty busy with the store. Hopefully you’re following me on instagram because that’s the best way to keep up with all the HausWitch-ing that’s going on right meow. However, exciting things are in the works and I will do my best to document them here. 🙂

Today I want to talk about the New Moon. The New Moon is a great time for planting seeds (literally and figuratively) and setting intentions for new directions and goals. There are lots of amazing articles on the power of the New Moon in Leo. You can ready some of my faves here and here.  You can also check out one of our awesome Moon Meditations that we hold in the store if you’re local to Boston! New-Moon-Aug-14th1-456x456


“Have you been lacking in the way you express yourself from the heart? Do you have any creative outlets that you have been ignoring? What makes you stand out as your own authentic self and what is getting in the way of it? These are examples of the types of themes that could go into your intentions at this New Moon.” -Collective Evolution

As you know by now, in “magic according to HausWitch”, casting spells doesn’t have to involve calling the corners, naked dancing circles or a beach full of dead sharks. (It totally can, it just doesn’t HAVE TO.) So here are some totally low-maintenance, simple little rituals to connect you with the power of tonight’s New Moon.

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  • Declare your intentions clearly by writing them down in a cute notebook!
  • Grab a special vessel or bowl and put your written intention in it with some special objects, herbs or crystals meant to enhance your spell.
  • Even if you have a black thumb (like me) seed bombs are totally fool-proof for indoor or outdoor planting. Hold the seeds in your hand and meditate on something you’d like to manifest in your life and then plant them under the New Moon. (Insert pun about things growing and coming to life here.)

Anywhoo- that’s all for now cats and kittens. I hope you all have a magical New Moon however you choose to honor it.

The moon is in LEO and the Witches say, “Eat Walnuts”