home decor

New Moon Magic

I know its been a while (again) but obvs I’m pretty busy with the store. Hopefully you’re following me on …


I think the reason I haven’t written a post in a while is that I haven’t known where to start. …

HausWitch Headquarters

I have always wanted a craft space. One of those cute little workspaces you see on blogs with the perfect …


Hey dudes and dudettes. I hope everyone has had a lovely 2015 so far. I’ve basically been living inside of …


As of now, HausCraft has been on the market for a week and I can not believe how amazing and …

F*cking It Up

A few months ago I wrote about a DIY project that I wanted to try involving a faux marbling effect …

Make Your Own Dang Shelf!

Hey gang! I’m still here! I have so much exciting stuff to tell you all about. The first being this …